Tuesday 12 June 2012

Finally I meet him.........

Alhamdulillah......that only the word that I can say when I meet him...

while i'm busy with my cooking and suddenly i heard a sound that said..."haih bos duduk depan hari  ini". automatically my head turn towards the sound and at the same times his head also turn to me....and both of our eyes meet...i'm quickly look at the clothes that he wear and i saw  his name that written there.im smile when i saw the name......He come closer to me and put his palm on my head and he shakes my head(like parents that always pray for their child). his mouth keep in smiling. Then he ask me....

how about u'r study?
I said....now i'm already finished my diploma..
and what your cgpa?
how a best student like you just get #.##?
oh....hmm...this is due to my result in the 2 and 3 sem
oh ok.so what do you choose to further in degree?
i'm taking fisiotherapy...
wow! that's good...
whatever happen always do u'r best in u'r life.I will always pray for you in the future...

sebenarnya rasa sedih bila dia dgr ayt "how a best student like you just get #.##?".....tp sedih tu bukan sebab dapat cgpa mcm tu tp sedih sebab dulu tak study betul2. bila fikir2 balik, apa yg dia ckp tu btul. kalau kita rasa kita hebat sebenarnya ada yg lebih hebat dan kalau rasa kita lemah ad yg lebih lemah, kesimpulannya cubalah bersederhana dalam smua hal.........